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BEES Holidays Terms & Conditions.

Discover the Nitty-Gritty: Your Guide to BEES Holidays’ Terms & Conditions!

Owner Details:    Chris Bowers and Jodie Bowers of 1A Sycamore Road, Duston, Northampton, NN5 6JS.

Property number 1: The holiday home is situated at: –
13 The Lakes, Golden Sands Holiday Park.
Quebec Road, Mablethorpe,
Lincolnshire, LN12 1QJ.
together with the fixtures furniture and effects specified in the inventory signed by the parties (“Inventory”)
Site: The holiday park is known as Golden Sands Holiday Park.
Rental Period: From 3:00p.m. On the Start Date to 10:00a.m. On the End Date

Property number 2: The holiday home is situated at: –
113 The Meadows, Southview Leisure Park.
Morningside Drive, Skegness,
Lincolnshire, PE25 2LA.
together with the fixtures furniture and effects specified in the inventory signed by the parties (“Inventory”)
Site: The holiday park is known as Southview Leisure Park.
Rental Period: From 3:00p.m. On the Start Date to 10:00a.m. On the End Date

1.1    The Landlord lets and the Tenant takes the Property for the Rental Period at the Rent. 
1.2    The Tenant may use the paths and drives leading to the Property to go to and from it.
1.3    The Tenant may use such parts of the Site as the Landlord is permitted to use by virtue of his ownership of the Property subject to the payment per adult and per child for a Site facility passes payable directly to Golden Sands Holiday Park. 
1.4    The Property is let as holiday accommodation within paragraph 9 of Schedule 1 to the Housing Act 1988.  Accordingly, the tenancy granted by this Agreement is not an assured shorthold tenancy and the Tenant has no security of tenure.


2.1 Accidents & Injury
  1. 2.1.1 The Tenant always takes full responsibility for the use and users of the hot tub.
  2. 2.1.2 BEES Holidays will not be liable for accidents, injuries or death.
  3. 2.1.3 BEES Holidays will not be liable for any accidents relating to use of the hot tub such as wet surfaces causing slip hazards, running or jumping in and around the hot tub area.
  4. 2.1.4 BEES Holidays prohibits the use of glass items within the hot tub and will not take responsibility for injury caused by glass breakages within or around the hot tub area.
  6. 2.1.6 Pregnant ladies must seek medical advice before using the hot tub.
  7. 2.1.7 Do not use any electrical items within 2 meters of the hot tub including telephones.
2.2 Health & Safety
  1. 2.2.1 Please always enter the hot tub with safety in mind, checking the temperature first.
  2. 2.2.2 Do not dive in, jump in or out of the hot tub.
  3. 2.2.3 Do not enter the hot tub with sharp objects.
  4. 2.2.4 Do not use glass or any other breakable items within or near the hot tub.
  5. 2.2.5 Always wear the correct attire when entering the hot tub such as a bathing suit or swimwear. Never wear shoes or heals as this could cause injury and damage to the hot tub.
  6. 2.2.6 The Tenant accepts responsibility for all who use the hot tub that they are in sound medical health, if in doubt seek medical advice.
  7. 2.2.7 The Tenant takes responsibility that all users of the hot tub are not impaired by alcohol or drugs.
  8. 2.2.8 The Tenant takes responsibility that the users are clean when using the hot tub. 
  9. 2.2.9 The Tenant takes responsibility for making sure the hot tub cover is secured back on the hot tub when not in use. This will not only stop the hot tub losing temperature but will also keep it secure from accidents when not in use.
  10. 2.2.10 If the hot tub water temperature is higher than 37.5 degrees centigrade do not spend more than 15 minutes in the hot tub.
  11. 2.2.11 Pregnant women and persons with heart disease, circulatory problems, diabetes or low/high blood pressure should consult a doctor before using the hot tub.
2.3 General Use, Upkeep & Chemicals
  1. 2.3.1 Do not switch the power off to the hot tub.
  2. 2.3.2 It is very important that everyone is clean when entering the hot tub. All traces of dirt, grease, make up, moisturisers and creams must be removed before using the hot tub.
  3. 2.3.3 Do not enter the hot tub if you are wearing fake tan, this will cause lasting damage to the hot tub and will result in the damages being charged to the Tenant.
  4. 2.3.4 Do not use any fluids in the hot tub such as bubble bath, soaps, washing up liquid, silly string, glitter, body paints or any other chemicals. These will damage the hot tub and will result in the damages being charged to the Tenant.
  5. 2.3.5 If the hot tub requires a full empty and refill or a fault rectifying during your stay due to misuse stated within these terms and conditions the Tenant will be charged accordingly.
  6. 2.3.6 The hot tub will maintain the water temperature by itself, although during periods of heavy use or when the cover is removed for an extended period there will be a fall in temperature. Staying out of the hot tub and replacing the cover will allow the water temperature to rise to the desired level.
  7. 2.3.7 The hot tub is designed for 6 people, overloading the hot tub can cause damage which will be chargeable to the Tenant.
  8. 2.3.8 When using the hot tub remove the cover using the bracket attached to the hot tub.
  9. 2.3.9 Enter the water carefully, NO JUMPING and make sure the water is not to hot by testing with your hand first.
  10. 2.3.10 Do not over fill the hot tub as it will cause the hot tub to overflow and may damage the controller. Each person entering the hot tub will raise the water level by 5-7cm. When the jets are activated the water level will raise by a similar amount. Any damage caused to the controller by over filling will be charged to the Tenant.
  11. 2.3.11 When not using the hot tub always replace the cover to retain the heat and reduce foreign objects falling into the hot tub.
  12. 2.3.12 Always leave the hot tub switched on in order for the filtration and heating system to work.
  13. 2.3.13 It is essential that everyone using the hot tub showers before use and no foreign bodies e.g. grass, earth, sand, stones or sharp objects are introduced to the water.
  14. 2.3.14 Do not drink or smoke while using the hot tub.
  15. 2.3.15 At the end of each session the hot tub water must be filled to a level above the jets but no more than 50mm above to ensure the filter and heater continue to work.
  16. 2.3.16 The Tenant must allow access daily for hot tub cleaning and maintenance.

3.1        Any obligation on the Tenant in this Agreement not to do an act or thing includes an obligation not to permit or suffer another person to do such act or thing. 
3.2        Whenever there is more than one person comprising the Landlord or the Tenant their obligations may be enforced against all of them jointly and against each of them individually.
3.3        The Landlord and Tenant do not intend that this Agreement should be enforceable by any person solely by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.
3.4        An obligation in this Agreement to pay money includes an obligation to pay Value Added Tax in respect of that payment.

4.1    The Tenant must pay the Deposit to the Landlord or the Landlord’s agent on the signing of this Agreement.
4.2    The Tenant must pay the balance of the Rent due to the Landlord at least 8 weeks before the Start Date.

5.1    The Tenant must pay the Security Deposit to the Landlord no later than the date on which the balance of the Rent is to be paid. 
5.2    The Security Deposit will be held by the Landlord and applied against the cost of remedying any damage to the Property caused by the Tenant.
5.3    The Security Deposit will be returned to the Tenant not more than 14 days after the End Date less any deductions made for the cost of remedying any damage.

6.1    If the Tenant terminates this Agreement (i.e., cancels the booking) more than 8 weeks before the Start Date the Landlord shall be entitled to retain a £50 administration fee, but the Landlord will refund all other sums paid by the Tenant.
6.2    If the Tenant terminates this Agreement by giving less than 8 weeks’ notice the following provisions will apply:
6.2.1    Termination between 8-6 weeks from the Start Date – the Landlord retains 50% of the Rent and will refund all other sums paid by the Tenant.
6.2.2    Termination between 6-4 weeks from the Start Date – the Landlord retains 70% of the Rent and will refund all other sums paid by the Tenant.
6.2.3    Termination between 4-2 weeks from the Start Date – the Landlord retains 90% of the Rent and will refund all other sums paid by the Tenant.
6.2.4    Termination between 2-0 weeks from the Start Date – the Landlord retains 100% of the Rent and will refund all other sums (if any) paid by the Tenant.
6.3    If the Tenant has not paid the Rent and Security Deposit by the date specified in Clause 3.2 the Tenant will be deemed to have terminated the Agreement under Clause 5.1.

7.1    The Tenant agrees with the Landlord:
7.1.1    To use the Property in a reasonable and careful manner and not allow it to deteriorate and to keep the Property clean and tidy at all times.
7.1.2    To make good all damage caused to the Property (including the Landlord’s fixtures and fittings) or to any other property owned by the Landlord through: 
a)    any breach of the obligations set out in this Agreement.
b)    any improper use by or negligence of the Tenant or any person at the Property with the Tenant’s permission.
7.1.3    To keep the items specified in the Inventory clean and in the same condition as at the commencement of the Rental Period (fair wear and tear and damage by insured risks only excepted) and to make good or replace with articles of the same sort and equal value such as may be lost broken or destroyed (or at the option of the Landlord to pay compensation to the Landlord).
7.1.4    Not to block or otherwise damage the taps baths wash basins WCs cisterns or pipes within or exclusively serving the Property.
7.1.5    To keep the Property heated to a reasonable level during the winter months to prevent damage to the Property or the water pipes drains tanks and other plumbing apparatus by cold weather.
7.1.6    To report to the Landlord any damage destruction loss defect or disrepair affecting the Property as soon as it comes to the attention of the Tenant.
7.1.7    To place all refuse in the receptacle(s) provided for the Property by the Landlord or any other competent authority.
7.1.8    To allow the Landlord the owner of the Site or their respective agents or anyone with their written authority together with any workmen and necessary appliances to enter the Property at reasonable times of the day to inspect its condition and state of repair and to carry out any necessary repairs provided the Landlord has given reasonable notice (with regard to the work to be undertaken) beforehand and not to interfere with or obstruct any such persons.
7.1.9    In cases of emergency to allow the Landlord or the owner of the Site or anyone with their authority to enter the Property at any time and without notice.
7.1.10    To use the Property as a private holiday residence for a maximum of 8 people only.
7.1.11    Not to do anything on the Property which may be a nuisance to or cause damage or annoyance to the Landlord or the tenants or occupiers of any adjoining property.
7.1.12    Not to play any musical instrument or other device which can be heard outside the Property after 11pm or before 8am.
7.1.13    Not to use the Property for any illegal or immoral purposes.
7.1.14    Not to use the Property in a way which contravenes a restriction affecting the Landlord’s interest in the Property which the Landlord has brought to the Tenant’s attention.
7.1.15    Not to cause or permit any dangerous or inflammable substance to collect in or on the Property apart from those needed for general domestic use.
7.1.16    Not to display any notice or advertisement that is visible from outside the Property.
7.1.17    Not to keep on the Property any animal or pet.
7.1.18    Not to smoke at the Property.
7.1.19    To comply with any planning conditions affecting the Property which the Landlord has brought to the Tenant’s attention.
7.1.20    Not to assign or sublet the Property or any part of the Property and not to part with possession or share occupation of the Property or any part of it. 
7.1.21    Not to permit any person to occupy the Property as a lodger.
7.1.22    Not to alter add to or interfere with the appearance structure exterior or interior of the Property or the arrangement of the fixtures furniture and effects belonging to the Landlord.
7.1.23    To keep the area outside the Property clean and tidy.
7.1.24    To park a maximum of one vehicle on the driveway of the holiday home. All other vehicles are to be parked only where the owner of the Site may designate. No vehicles are to be parked on grass verges.
7.1.25    Not to leave any belongings place any items or hang any washing in the communal areas of the Site.
7.1.26    To comply with any regulations which the owner of the Site or its agents may from time to time make in the interests of good management of the Site.
7.1.27    At the end of the Rental Period to remove the Tenant’s belongings from the Property and leave the Property clean and tidy so that the Property is ready for immediate re-occupation.

8.1    If there has been a substantial breach of any of the Tenant’s obligations in this Agreement the Landlord may forfeit the tenancy (i.e., bring it to an end) and recover possession of the Property.  The other rights and remedies of the Landlord will remain in force.
8.2    If the behaviour of or level of noise generated by the Tenant and his guests is unacceptable to the Landlord or to the owner of the Site, the Landlord may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect and the Property must be vacated and no refund will be given.

9.1    The Landlord agrees with the Tenant:
9.1.1    That the Tenant may quietly possess and enjoy the Property during the Rental Period without any interruption from the Landlord or any person claiming under or in trust for the Landlord.
9.1.2    To provide adequate bed linen at the Property.

10.    NOTICES
10.1    Under section 48 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 the Tenant is hereby notified that notices (including notices in proceedings) must be served on the Landlord by the Tenant at the following address: – 1A Sycamore Road, Duston, Northampton, NN5 6JS.
10.2    The Landlord must serve any notice on the Tenant at the Property